An open system, a fluid system, one with a permeable membrane, can transact with other, open systems.
Resources become abundantly available when systems interrelate with each other, support other system's functioning, and build holocracies.
An open system has the support of the tribe--the collection of open systems.
A breath exercise
Inhale with the intent of feeling the fullness of oneself. Body and skin like a balloon, fill it in omnidirectional fashion. Practice feeling the expansion and even the "plumpness" of the body at peak of inhale.
Exhale out the pores of your "skin-balloon." Each pore a release valve, exhale out eyelids, elbow, and stomach, dissolving the very outline you relied on to feel the fullness boundary in the inhale.
One possible cycle's narrative might go like this: "I inhale filling up from the center to the outline of my skin, I relax the outline of my skin and feel the fullness spill into my environment."
Practice for 5-10 min. and feel comfortable to post here what you experienced.