Arturo and I sat down [pup sat down with bone as you'll hear] after meeting each other again at Erica Mather's workshop.
We talk about a LOT so back on how you've acted on some of this knowledge.
Niymeayaka Healing Center
"Holding Space" Jungle
Forrest yoga has parallels to shamanic work
1:48 Kara Wabbel The Little Volcano
"Rewiring the Brain" Healing the second brain-gut
Chakra system> endocrine > emotional responses in life > nervous system
Integration period, 9 day retreats
Bridge between Old World and New World
What is gut health asking of us? How is it tied to invalid belief systems?
Root of issue--education on nutrition and immune system
Book: Datis Kharrarazian; Why Isn't My Brain Working
Second Brain approach to healing pattens of self identification > behavioral patterns. Do I hold, suppress, release, choose anew?
Stalk: what's the root? Use Pattern maps like meridians, chakras, behavioral patterns, postural patterns
Cycle of Redundancy; Ellen Heed--thoughts create emotions which then create structure in the body
Layers of interconnectivity
The initiation is the self initiation
What is the Breath Formula?
1. Catch it
2. Breathe
3. Change the pattern
4. Reward system
16:00 Ayahuasca process and preparation for initiation
Shamanic Dieta--How the shamans prepare and "reset" their body to decrease toxicity load, change pH
20:00 Can the Ayuhuasca reset linguistic patterning?
21:00 Structural influence via acting on the root of how structures come into being
23:00 Does unresolved shadow, projected outward, onto awards and achievements, validate self effectively?
25:00 What's the usefulness of ceremony and initiation?
26:00 Essentials of ceremony Intent, Sacred Container,
What's required to "Holding Space?"
Self honesty, stepping into stillness, accessing Timeless Nature [i.e. Big Heart, Christ Consciousness, unburdened self]
1. Me
2. Intent
3. Unknown/Mystery
Shamans believe Spiritual practice must be practical--an art form in itself
30:00 Tiers of Motivation: Operating from deficiency or abundance? Why is knowing this about ourselves necessary for evolution?
33:15 What does astrology have to do with cancer? What does social exclusion have to with our biology? Energy management and malignancy.
36:00 Is hunger required for community?
37:00 How is illness an expression of an unintegrated self?
38:45 Addiction and Ayahuasca ceremony: Repatterning self, what's the addiction a mask for? Disconnection and reroute as a compensation for natural "flow"
Addiction as a dead pathway that shuts off life force What's the filter? What is the story? How is the story what's defining my relationships? What's the new story. How do we build a new network and path?
41:30 What's a good indication of being in a story and what's so necessary about emotional learning?
42:00 Empowerment Process--Moving from victim to survivor to healer.
43:00 Dialogue with a Scorpion
44:30 Shamanic understanding of healing generations forward and backward
Book: Friedemann Schaub, The Fear & Anxiety Solution: A Breakthrough Process for Healing and Empowerment with Your Subconscious Mind
Book: Lynne McTaggart, The Intention Experiment
59:00 How Forrest yoga has changed Arturo's body and bones
1:00:00 Arturo's studio
1:04:00 Energetic structures--what's the pattern that brings them into existence?
How do subtle practices keep the pathways clear?
Breathing: creates connection to awareness, alters chemistry [blood, hormones]Forrest yoga gets us present in that process: "Who am I right now?"
1:08:00 Initiation as it's related to self esteem.
1:11:00 Stimulus > thought > emotion; and what this cycle has to do with catching patterns
1:13:00 What is Sacred Space--where I can ask "those" questions?
1:16:00 [intermission and resumes with this question] How do we build community?
1:19:00 [Personal critical question: what principles can we agree on together?]
1:23:00 Scaffolding/skeleton for invitations for doing it, trying it and experiencing it.What will you DO with this interview? Tell us.
1:25:00 The benefits of "putting it out there"
1:27:00 What got Arturo really deeply into Evolution and about his sweat lodge experience with Ana Forrest & Heather Tiddens
Heather Tiddens in Chicago @ 5/1
1:34:00 Structure of Sweat LodgeWhat do you have to release?What are your prayers?Reclaim power of prayer Who do you want to be afterward? How do you want to live your prayer through your being?
"Living the Vision of your Spirit"