Have you ever felt a stifling ennui wherein nothing much seems interesting?
What is missing in these scenarios is a particular kind of currency--the hallmark of a system's dynamism. What's missing is the quality of flow or movement.
Just like an economic recession--a contraction or a shock to the cycles of transactions occurs, a fall in GDP [read: a system's creativity or output]--our bodies can experience a kind of stuckness. We can feel emotionally stuck [anxious], an inability to focus [distractibility], or even depression and boredom. These are some of our bodies' ways of telling us that we're experiencing an energetic slowdown; perhaps our output temporarily stops.
Drawing from the work of Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, Tony Schwartz, and others, this Saturday, at Yoga Now, you will learn, experientially:
- the subtle markers of a flow state.
- You will create and reinforce rituals/cues around entering flow state so as to enter it more quickly and more often in future practice sessions.
"But isn't flow a yoga style? Doesn't flow mean I have to be moving continuously or be doing lots of repetitions?"
Not necessarily...
- You will learn that flow is possible within every activity be it knitting, yoga, marathons, or roller derby.
- that emotions are a a component of the experience, not the drivers
- that the experience itself, even if it's challenging, can be intrinsically rewarding
This flow state has spiritual growth implications too. As the wisdom traditions and mystics point out to us, there is art to uncovering our greatest Intelligence.
Looking Into The Creek
The way the soul is with the senses and the intellect is
like a creek. When desire weeds
grow thick, intelligence can't flow, and soul creatures
stay hidden. But sometimes
the reasonable clarity runs so strong it sweeps the clogged
stream open. No longer weeping
and frustrated, your being grows as powerful as your wantings
were before, more so. Laughing
and satisfied, the masterful flow lets creations of
the soul appear. You look
down, and it's lucid dreaming. The gates made of light
swing open. You see in.
--Rumi; translation by Coleman Barks
Forrest Yoga Practice
Saturday April 20, 2013; 1-3pm
Yoga Now
742 North LaSalle Chicago, IL 60654 [email protected]
Parking available, validation offered through studio.
Call studio to register